Boot Camp B (buddies, bitches, babes whatever ;) )

{October 13, 2009}   Tuesday – Nadine

Weekly Total – 1 hour, 10 min

E.T. – 35 min

cals burned – 529

This morning’s workout involved a LOT of self talk.  My legs hurt like crazy, but I was determined to make that 35 minute mark.  Especially since I ate till it hurt last night 😀  I worked through the first 5 or 6 minutes of initial discomfort, then it seemed to get easier after that.  Unfortunately, it came back around the 20 minute mark and I wanted to quit SO BAD!!!  So I just kept asking myself, “do you have another minute left in you?”  or “do you have 30 seconds left?”  The answer was always yes….. so I made it!  Yippee!

Now I think I will have a bath and go back to bed for a while, seeing as it’s only 4:30 am.  I woke up around 12:30am  and the insomnia kicked in something fierce… maybe I can catch a nap before everyone gets up 😀

et cetera